A Social Club for Gardening Enthusiasts
A Social Club for Gardening Enthusiasts
The Salem Garden Club was organized on June 9, 1954, and Federated on July 26, 1956. At that time, the Salem Garden Club had 40 members. The Club has a history of being very active working on many projects and activities in Salem, New Hampshire. Unfortunately, in 2019, COVID shutdowns made it difficult for the Club to meet and continue its mission.
In the summer of 2023, a new group of women came together to revitalize the Salem Garden Club. The object of the Salem Garden Club was: To stimulate interest in gardening and appreciation of growing things, to add in the protection and conservation of natural resources, to promote civic beauty and roadside improvement and to encourage the study of horticulture and floral design.
However, in an effort to bring friends and neighbors back together, a decision was made to restructure the Club to include a social component. As such, a new purpose was adopted: To provide opportunities to develop friendships and coordinate the interests of its members by furthering the knowledge and advancement of gardening, horticulture, conservation, and the beautification of the town of Salem.
In September 2023, the Salem Garden Club was renamed the Salem Friendship & Garden Club, and guiding documents were filed with the New Hampshire Secretary of State. In October 2023, the Salem Friendship and Garden Club achieved recognition as a 501(c)(3) organization. This status allows the Club to accept tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522.
In keeping with tradition, the Salem Friendship and Garden Club will continue to respect the founding color and flower of the Salem Garden Club.
CLUB COLOR: Lilac and White ~ CLUB FLOWER: Apple Blossom
Your generous support will enable us to fund our mission
to beautify the town of Salem, New Hampshire.
See Upcoming Meetings and Events on out Home Page.